Who we are
India's Top Student Rocketry Team!
thrustMIT started off in early 2016 as a group of rocket enthusiasts with the aim of promoting High-Power-Rocketry in India. The team takes part in the Spaceport America Cup, which is the biggest platform in the world for students to showcase their rocketry skills. We are currently the top team in India and one of the top teams in Asia.
The team has competed in several editions of the Spaceport America Cup since 2016. Our rockets, Vyom, Arya and Rayquaza earned Spot awards for design and team professionalism in 2018, 2019 and 2022 and were well received by the judges and other competitors. Altair was our latest rocket for the year 2023, it was our first rocket to have a successful recovery and this was our closest ever launch with an apogee of 10,331 ft. In 2022, our rocket Rayquaza came 4th in the James Barrowman Award. In 2016 and 2018, we were featured in India's biggest magazines, Composite Today, India Times, and Bangalore Mirror.
Our Subsystems

Aerodynamics subsystem ensures that the rocket follows the correct trajectory and has optimum efficiency. It involves designing fins, nose cone and performing CFD simulations to analyse the aerodynamic forces, flow pattern and stability of the rocket. Major experimental projects include supersonic simulations, air brakes, and designing active control surfaces.

The Avionics subsystem develops the flight computer for our rocket. It involves programming a multitude of sensors to track live rocket data. We also develop systems like air brakes and reaction control systems. We are further looking into data compression and video telemetry. We are working on an autonomous antenna tracker system to track our rocket in flight.

Management is responsible for the smooth functioning of the entire team. Finance & Sponsorship monitors the Team’s budget and plans and executes successful strategies for sponsorship. We make sure that our team gets all the materials required. We also manage our website and social media handles.

Payload and Research is an interdisciplinary subsystem which develops the payload and research on various aspects of rocketry and beyond. Research into Radial Deployment of our Payloads, Supersonic Aerodynamic Profiles, Optimization of CFD using Deep Learning and Optimization of Apogee Prediction Algorithms using Machine Learning is underway.

The Propulsion Subsystem develops the rocket engine. We plan to build the first student developed Liquid Rocket Engine in India. Research into Solid Rocket Fuel, Ignitors, Design Optimization, Thrust Vector Control and Reaction Control System Design is underway.

Structures is responsible for the design of the rocket exterior and interior. We perform composite and structural simulations of the rocket airframe and internal components. Structures is responsible for the structural stability and safety of the rocket. We are also working on a static motor ground testing rig.
Our Rockets

Spaceport America Cup 2021
Weight: 36kg
Apogee: 3km
Payload: Piezo-Electric Device to detect Vibrations

Spaceport America Cup 2022
Weight: 26kg
Apogee: 3.55km
Payload: Acoustic Dampening of CNT

Spaceport America Cup 2024
Weight: 32.21kg
Predicted Apogee: 9.169km
Payload: 3D Vision System